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2020-02-03 15:43:59 6156



  Notice for Scavenger Hunting

  歡迎您參加潔定Scavenger Hunting團隊建設(shè)活動,在接下來為時4個小時的活動中,您將和您的團隊成員一起完成一系列充滿樂趣、富有挑戰(zhàn)的任務(wù),感受團隊合作精神。為了確保您和隊員們順利完成所有任務(wù),請您與隊員們在向目標(biāo)進發(fā)前,請您仔細(xì)閱讀活動要求及注意事項:Welcome to scavenger hunting. Before you start your tasks full of fun and excitement, please go through the following tips for helping you the rules of this team building activity.


  1. 您在規(guī)定的4個小時內(nèi),在古城中的5個任務(wù)點完成以下5個任務(wù),活動時間為13:30開始,結(jié)束時間為18:00,如您的團隊無法在17:30前按照順序完成所有5項任務(wù),也請按時返回在地圖上標(biāo)注的終點“玉和廣場”You will be asked to finish 5 tasks within 4 hours in the old town, starting at 13:30 and ending at 17:30. If you can’t complete all the six tasks in time, anyway, please go back to the “Final” before 18:00.

  2. 在地圖上已標(biāo)出了5個任務(wù)點及數(shù)字,必須按照數(shù)字順序完成任務(wù),不可隨意選擇任務(wù) Six site as 5 stations have been highlighted on the map. Please following the numerical order to complete all the task.

  3. 地圖上,每個任務(wù)點上都標(biāo)有時間點,這是規(guī)定到達(dá)該點的最晚時間,如果該隊在此時間內(nèi)未能到達(dá)該點,則視作主動放棄該點的任務(wù),請您們盡快奔赴下個任務(wù)點。Please arrive at each task station before the limited time marked on the map. If you can’t arrive the station in time, this task is forfeited

  4. 每個任務(wù)都有規(guī)定的完成時間,該完成時間從全體隊員到達(dá)該任務(wù)點開始計時,您在往來于各任務(wù)點中途花費的時間不計入該任務(wù)點的用時時間。Each task has to be finished within limited time according to the time spent in the station site. You are not timed on the way to any station.

  5. 工作人員發(fā)放給每個隊的照相機,請妥善保管,每完成一個任務(wù)時,按照任務(wù)要求,由工作人員為全體隊員拍攝集體照作為評分依據(jù),在全程中,隊員們可用照相機記錄全隊在挑戰(zhàn)任務(wù)過程中所經(jīng)歷的各種精彩瞬間,任務(wù)完成后,請將相機交還工作人員。Each team is equipped with one digital camera in order for you to take your team photos. Please take care of the camera and take it back to crew staff after finishing all the tasks.

  6. 全程活動中,請大家遵守秩序,如需任何幫助,請隨時與工作人員聯(lián)系。We are highly appreciated your participation. Should you need any help, please turn to the crew staff.

  祝您在Scavenger Hunting活動中,發(fā)揮創(chuàng)意,建立團隊,收獲歡笑! Wish you a great adventure with your team!

  第一組 按以下任務(wù)

  Task List— Group A

  1. 搭積木比高度 Toy bricks building (文昌宮 Wen Chang Palace)
  請全隊員在規(guī)定的20分鐘時間內(nèi),將積木搭到你們能力范圍內(nèi)的最大高度并保持不倒。Please pile up toy bricks building up to as the highest as you can within 20 minut
tes and the watchword for you to find this right person is “Q:Would you like to date with me? A:Infection Control”. A team photo with this person is required after the task.
  評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):找人用時時間的長短 Evaluation: Score from 5 to 0 according to the time you’ve spent on find this person out.

  4. 笑的不同類型 Smiles with different expressions (賣草場 Grass Selling Square)
  請全體隊員在20分鐘內(nèi),展示各種“笑”的不同表情(如開懷大笑,苦笑,偷笑等),請將你們想到的笑的類型寫下交給該點的工作人員,并表演你們寫下的各種笑,每表演一種笑,必須拍下照片,你們可請幾位隊員表演笑,也可以全體隊員一起笑。How many kinds of smiles with different expressions could you image? Please take a brainstorm with your team and list all the smiles you can think of and then show them to the judger. Please take photo of each smile shown by your team. A team photo is required of all your team members with any same smile pose after the task.

  評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):列出各種笑的種類的數(shù)量 Evaluation: Score from 5 to 0 according to how many smiles you can think of.

  5. 瑪莉蓮夢露 Marilyn Monroe with skirt up (三眼井Three-Holes Well)
  請你們在20分鐘內(nèi),說出三眼井的三個井分別是代表哪三種不同的用途?Do you know the different usage of the three holes of this well?
  回答完成后,請全體隊員用工作人員提供的道具,拍攝一張模仿瑪莉蓮夢露裙子被吹起瞬間的照片及一張夢露扮演者的面部特寫照片,要求拍攝的集體照片中必須有全體隊員參與該場面的鏡頭,必須有裙子被吹起的畫面,夢露必須由男員工扮演。After answering the question,could a male staff of your team play the role of Marilyn Monroe with skirt up by using the makeup package provided by the judger? Both a team photo with this Marilyn Monroe and a close-up of his face are required.
  Evaluation: Score from 5 to 0 according to similarity with Marilyn Monroe (skirt in the wind, makeup, gesture and expression in his eyes and on his face).

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